
PCOM offers ministries for all ages and genders to help form Christians of us all

PCOM offers ministries for all ages and genders to help form Christians of us all


Worship Services Sunday 10am - 11am


Infants to 5th Grade

Little Lambs Nursery

WHO: infants to 3 year olds

WHEN: 10:00AM worship service

WHERE: Nursery

Our church provides a nursery for infants to three year olds during our 10:00AM worship service. Welcoming and caring adults are there to watch your children. There is also a crying room at the back of the sanctuary if you want to stay with your child where you'll be able to hear the service over the speaker system.

Sunday School

WHO: 4 years old - 5th Grade

WHEN: Sunday school currently meetings approximately twice a month - children are excused mid-service on Sunday and goes until 11:15AM. 

WHERE: Kids Rooms

Vacation Bible School

WHO: Elementary 

WHEN: July/August


VBS is a week long summer program full of fun, music and learning for your child. Each year has a different theme that allows children to learn about God in a way that keeps them interested and excited. 


6th - 12th Grade

The knot

WHO: 6th - 12th Graders

WHEN: Wednesday 6:30-8:30PM, September-May

The Knot is our Wednesday night program and is open to all 6th-12th graders. This is a great place for teens to come and unwind, connect, and decompress. We have a lot of fun at The Knot and students are encouraged to bring friends from outside PCOM

Quarterly Impact Events

FALL: Our fall high impact event is a weekend trip to Camp Koronis in Paynesville, MN. There students do a bible study, play lots of games, eat great food, and make a lot of memories. 

WINTER: In the winter the group goes to Mink Lake Wilderness Camp in Grand Marais, MN. This event is unlike other events as there is no electricity or plumbing in this cabin in the wilderness. Because of this unique setting, many friendships are forged and lives are touched by God in this serene and peaceful context. 

SPRING: In the spring students attend the District Blitz conference in Duluth, MN. There they here great Godly speakers, listen to bands, attend seminars, and chill in the hotel. 

summer mission trips

Summer mission trips can be anything from international trips (recently included Bolivia and Jamaica) or a service trip right here in the Twin Cities. Many of our students would cite the summer mission trips as some of their most life changing moments ever!

Misc Activities

Street hockey, lock in, fires, youth band etc.